She Just Got Officially Divorced, And Then Her Ex Owned Up To Actually Having Feelings For Another Woman Even Though He Denied It All Along

Halfpoint - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Halfpoint - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old woman spent a decade married to her now ex-husband, who is 38. Their divorce was only just made official, and it was a remarkably smooth process for her.

She and her ex agreed to split all their things evenly, but he got to keep their home as he had purchased it prior to their marriage.

She and her husband ultimately got divorced because she could clearly tell that he was no longer invested in their relationship.

“He never wanted to spend any time with me, and when he did, he was absent,” she explained. “I obviously thought there was another woman; he said no.”

“We went to counseling. He said it wasn’t working. The entire time he was insisting there wasn’t another woman. Even though he was so distant and didn’t seem to be trying to save our marriage at all.”

“Now everything is done and settled. And within the first month….he moved in his new “girlfriend” (26f), a woman who we were familiar with years prior to the divorce.”

Yesterday evening at a little before midnight, she noticed that she still had their son’s medication that he was going to have to take this morning.

So, she phoned up her ex and offered to drive the medication over to his house, but her ex insisted that he could come to her place to grab it.

Her ex then arrived at her place, and she thanked him for driving all the way out to her when she had been the one to completely forget.

Halfpoint – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Her ex mentioned that it was not a big deal and that he felt he “owed” her. She inquired further about what he meant, and he finally owned up to something she had suspected all along.

“…Long story short, he said that he had “always felt guilty” about telling me there wasn’t another woman when in truth, he had begun having feelings for his current girlfriend—who I also found out is actually now his fiancée—up to a YEAR before we began the divorce process,” she said.

“He remains adamant that he didn’t do anything physical but admits that he hung out with her behind my back and told her about his plans to leave me, and admitted it was an emotional affair.”

“I know I should feel validated about being right and finally getting an apology and confession but honestly…I just feel REALLY, REALLY mad. I mean, like, I always knew he started with her before-she “officially” moved in really fast and who knows when she unofficially moved in but knowing this was happening a YEAR before we began to separate and he was still acting like he had no idea what was going on…like if he had just told me he had feelings for her then I could’ve gotten closure and started moving on that much sooner!!”

She is so furious with her ex that she had to ask her mom to come to get their kids from his house because she can’t face him right now.

Her ex has accused her of being “overly dramatic,” and because they’re divorced now, he feels she shouldn’t really care.

Her ex also believes that because he issued an apology to her that she needs to leave the past in the past.

Do you think she has every right to be mad, or do you think she should just get over this as her ex says?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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