She Suggested Having Her Stepdaughter’s Nanny Move Out Because She Feels That This Woman Is Ruining Her Chances Of Getting Close To Her Stepdaughter, And Now Her Stepdaughter Hates Her

photominus21 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
photominus21 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This woman is currently in a relationship with her 30-year-old boyfriend, and he has an 11-year-old daughter named Hailey from a previous relationship.

When Hailey was 1, Hailey’s mom walked out of her life, leaving her boyfriend a single dad. The thing is, though, her boyfriend wasn’t really able to step up and be an involved parent to Hailey back then, but thankfully, he had already hired a nanny when Hailey was 6-months-old.

Hailey’s nanny, Laura, was invited to move in with them, and Laura was the one who raised Hailey. To this day, Laura is still Hailey’s nanny and living in her boyfriend’s house.

“Laura is very close with my boyfriend’s family,” she explained. “She’s with the family every holiday, and honestly, I think they like her better than me. My boyfriend says she’s become a good friend over the years, and he and Laura go out at least once a month.”

“And Laura is extremely involved in Hailey’s life. She’s room mom at her school (I didn’t know you could be room mom without being a mom), she’s at every play, concert, soccer game, etc., and she even goes to Hailey’s therapy appointments.”

“Hailey doesn’t do anything for herself because of Laura. Laura wakes her up, packs her backpack and lunch and does her hair every morning, and does homework with her every afternoon. She tucks Hailey in every night and sits with her until she falls asleep.”

Hailey is unbelievably close to Laura, and Laura feels the same way about Hailey. When Laura has her days off, she still will bring Hailey to do things with her.

She feels that Hailey has no interest in building a relationship with her or her boyfriend because Laura is in their way.

She decided to address this with her boyfriend, and she mentioned that she believes Hailey is way too clingy as far as Laura is concerned.

photominus21 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

She then told her boyfriend that she thinks he should be more of a parent to Hailey instead of Laura since, at this point in his life, he has the time to devote to being an involved dad.

She stated from there that she would like Laura to move out of his house so that they can move forward with being closer to Hailey.

Somehow, Hailey overheard their entire conversation, and it broke her heart as well as frightened her.

“She’s refusing to speak to me or leave Laura’s side,” she said. “She’s faked being sick at school so many times this week that they don’t want her to come back today. Laura says Hailey hasn’t been sleeping and is worried about her.”

“My boyfriend is blaming me for all of this, but there’s no way I could’ve known that Hailey would be eavesdropping or that she’d get this scared”

She then continued to say that Laura ended up taking Hailey somewhere else after this all went down.

“Apparently, Hailey’s mental state has only gotten worse, and she’s hoping that getting Hailey away from “triggers” (me) and an intensive therapy program will prevent her from being hospitalized,” she added.

“Hailey also left me a card saying that she hates me and wants me to leave.”

She’s left wondering if it was mean of her to try to get Laura to move out of the house. What do you think; should she feel so threatened by the relationship that Laura has with Hailey?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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