
Are You Being Love Bombed By Your Partner? Here Are 15 Warning Signs To Watch Out For

-Sending you extravagant gifts at work

-Buying a vacation for you suddenly

-Obsessive flattery

Love bombing can be tricky to spot because it looks so much like genuine love and affection – which is what we all want in a relationship. It reminds us of all those fairytales and rom-coms we watched and longed for growing up. However, love bombing is usually short-lived and will cease once they know they have you wrapped around their finger.

Is love bombing a red flag?

In most cases, yes. Why? Because love bombing is meant to break through your boundaries. The goal of love bombing is to make you feel like you need the love bomber – it’s like a drug. It would be best if you had that hit of affection – and they know it. So you’ll do anything to keep receiving that affection and attention. It’s a slippery slope when love bombing is on the menu.

Love bombing is all about control and creating dependency. It looks a lot like the relationship’s honeymoon phase – but multiplied by 1,000!

15 Warning Signs You Are Being Love-Bombed

While seeing a few of these does not mean you are being love bombed if your partner exhibits most of these signs – it might be time to examine your relationship. Trust your gut when feeling out the relationship.

Here are 15 signs to look out for when figuring out if you are love bombed by your partner.

#1: They constantly compliment you.

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