Her Boyfriend Ruined A Tradition That She Does With Her Son Every Month, So She Told Her Boyfriend Off And Called Him A Child, But Now She Is Unsure If She Overreacted

Darren Baker - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Darren Baker - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman is currently in her thirties and has a 12-year-old son. And since she and her son are very close, they always spend one special day together every single month.

According to her, this day is exactly the same each time, too. It begins with her and her son waking up slightly later than usual. Then, they enjoy a nice pancake breakfast before heading to hang out at the ice rink for a couple of hours.

Afterward, she and her son play with the claw machines at an arcade before grabbing dinner at their favorite Indian restaurant. Finally, once they are done eating, they go home to watch a movie and munch on some dessert.

Anyway, this one day each month is super important to both her and her son. After all, they have been doing this same tradition ever since her son was just 5-years-old.

“I also always let him and my boyfriend know the date a week prior,” she added.

Despite that, though, she claimed that her boyfriend of four years completely messed up her mother-son day this month.

It all began the morning of when her boyfriend apparently decided to clean the whole kitchen and accidentally threw out their pancake mix. So, she and her son were not able to have their normal breakfast.

Then, her boyfriend forgot to fill up her car with gas. So, it took forever for her and her son to get gas and make it to the ice rink since there was a lot of traffic.

Plus, once they finally arrived at the rink, her boyfriend reportedly called her about twenty times. During these calls, he would ask her random questions like where some household items were or try to discuss things about his daughter– who is 20-years-old.

Darren Baker – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

So, after already arriving at the rink late and being forced to field calls from her boyfriend, she did not get to spend a lot of time with her son.

“We also had to leave quickly so that the restaurant would not close. So, we skipped the arcade,” she noted.

Finally, while she and her son were halfway through dinner, her boyfriend ended up calling again. That time, though, he claimed to have hurt himself.

In turn, she and her son got their dinner wrapped up and rushed home to check on her boyfriend. But, once they arrived, she was furious– because apparently, her boyfriend had just hit his ankle against something and was completely fine otherwise.

The real icing on the cake, though, was how after all of that, her boyfriend refused to let her and her son watch their movie together. Instead, he held the TV hostage to watch something else and even started eating the dinner they had packed up and brought home.

So, at that point, her son was really upset and called her boyfriend a total jerk before stomping upstairs to his room. She, on the other hand, was just completely shocked.

“My boyfriend had never done this before, and I really could not tell if he was being oblivious or if he was doing this on purpose,” she explained.

Still, even after her son told her boyfriend off, her boyfriend apparently did not understand what he had done wrong. Instead, he actually turned to her and asked if she was going to let her son get away with that behavior.

That pushed her to just roll her eyes and tell her boyfriend to enjoy the food. Then, she headed back to her own bedroom.

Her boyfriend was seemingly confused, though, because he ended up following her into their bedroom and asking her what the heck her problem was. So, she was forced to kind of spell out the issue for her boyfriend and tell him how important the day was for her and her son.

Regardless, it appears that her boyfriend did not really care. Instead, all he said was, “Is that what this is about? I’m important too, you know!”

And honestly, that response made her snap. She told her boyfriend that he was definitely not as important as her son. Moreover, she accused him of ruining their day by “acting like a little child.”

Now, this did get her boyfriend to shut up for a few moments. Afterward, though, he ultimately just called her a jerk before storming out of the house.

Plus, ever since that night, her boyfriend has refused to answer any of her calls or texts.

“But he texted my son saying that he expects an apology,” she vented.

So now, she has been left replaying the whole situation over again in her head and is wondering whether she overreacted about her boyfriend ruining her mother-son day or not.

If her boyfriend knew the date of her mother-son day, why do you think he decided to interfere with so many aspects of their tradition? Does her boyfriend actually sound oblivious, or might he have done it on purpose? Did her son have a right to call out her boyfriend, or should he be expected to apologize? At the same time, do you think she did anything wrong? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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