Her Grandma Gifted Her Wedding Rings To Her Before She Passed Away, And Also Left Money To Pay For Her College Tuition, But This Made The Rest Of Her Family Angry

Felix Mizioznikov - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Felix Mizioznikov - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 19-year-old girl has grown up super close to her grandparents on her dad’s side. Over the years, she would travel all over the country with her dad and both of her grandparents too.

Also, she and her dad spent at least one day a week at her grandma and grandpa’s house. Her dad has other siblings, however, who never made the effort that they did to spend that kind of time with her grandparents.

Her dad has a sister and a brother, and her dad’s siblings have kids. As for her, she’s her dad’s only child.

Very sadly, her grandma passed away in December of 2022 after battling an extremely aggressive cancer.

She and her dad were by her grnamda’s side in the last weeks of her life, and her grandma didn’t want to pass away anywhere except in her own home.

“One day, as I was sitting with my grandmother, she gave me her wedding and engagement rings as a 19th birthday present,” she explained.

“I was completely shocked but flattered to be gifted these rings. But, this gift upset my entire family as I was not the next in line to receive them.”

“Shortly after her death, my grandfather received my grandmother’s life insurance check. While eating dinner with my grandfather, he told me he has decided to use my grandmother’s life insurance check to pay for my tuition and housing at college because that is what my grandmother would have wanted.”

Her aunt (who is her dad’s only sister) is assisting her grandpa with managing financial matters in light of her grandma’s passing, so her grandpa actually had to tell her aunt about how he planned to spend her grandma’s life insurance.

Felix Mizioznikov – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

As soon as her aunt was told that her grandma’s money was going to pay for her college tuition, her aunt became livid.

Her aunt is also beside herself because her grandma’s rings technically were supposed to go to her aunt’s daughter instead of her.

The thing is, her aunt and her aunt’s kids never spent time with her grandparents growing up, even though their house is 2 hours from where her grandparents lived.

In contrast, she was the one who always was with her grandparents, so she thinks that’s why her grandma wanted to give the rings to her and give her money as well.

She feels terrible that her whole family is angry with her for getting these gifts from her grandma, and she is concerned that she could destroy the relationships she has with with all of them over this.

“Should I give the rings to the next in line granddaughter?” she wondered. “Selfishly, I want to keep the rings as my grandmother wanted me to have them, but I also don’t want to lose my family over them.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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