
He Found Out A Guy Who Broke Up His Marriage Would Be Attending His Friend’s Wedding, So He Sent A Lengthy Text To “Iron Things Out,” And Now The Guy Is Refusing To Go

Once he and his ex separated, Bob even took his ex in and comforted her throughout the divorce. He also found out that they tried dating shortly after that, but it never worked out between them.

Regardless of that fact, though, all of this basically confirmed for him that Bob had been trying to get him out of the picture and take his ex-wife all along.

So, when he found out that Bob was going to be at Alice’s wedding, he decided to ask Alice if he could send Bob a message to “iron things out.” And once she said that was okay, he drafted up a text.

“Bob, I’m sure you must have heard that Alice and Steven are getting married in August. I’ll definitely be attending the event, and I’m somewhat sure you will be, also. As such, I just wanted to write you a quick message to iron out some things before the wedding, just to not have any issues which would affect the smooth-running of it,” the text began.

Next, he went on to say that he was “completely aware” of what happened before, during, and after his marriage with his ex. However, he made it clear that he did not want to dig up old events.

“With that in mind, I would like you to interact with me as little as possible on the day of the event, as insignificant as it may have been. If you do interact with me, you must do so with respect and proper acknowledgment of social boundaries,” his text continued.

“While it is disappointing that I have to speak of the need for respect and boundaries, you have, somewhat consistently throughout the time I knew you, shown a flagrant disregard for such understandings as a person. I am not really the type of person to tolerate such disregard anymore.”

“The same requirement of respect and boundaries extends to my partner and pretty much anyone at the event and in life in general. I hope you are flourishing, Harry,” the text ended.

Now, after he sent this message, Bob wound up calling the groom and claimed to be uncomfortable with the fact that he would be in attendance. So, Bob said he would not be going to the ceremony anymore.

And honestly, he is starting to feel pretty bad about that. Apparently, Bob and Alice knew each other for years before Bob ever met him and his ex-wife.

So, while Alice is definitely closer to him now, he knows that she and Bob were present at various significant events for each other in the past.

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