
She Has A Unique Pizzadilla Recipe That’s Perfect If You Need To Whip Up A Quick Lunch For Kids

morrowlight - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Here’s what you get when pizza meets a quesadilla: pizzadilla! It’s the marriage of two classic American staples with its roots in Italy and Mexico. We love all kinds of wacky food combinations, so this pizza quesadilla is a must-try recipe.

A pizzadilla is essentially a warm flour tortilla filled with pizza ingredients, such as marinara sauce, cheese, and toppings.

It makes a quick on-the-go snack idea for adults and an enticing lunch for your school-aged children.

Kids need fuel to get through a long day of learning, and it’s discouraging to open up their lunch boxes at the end of the day and find half their food untouched. Well, this is a lunch they’ll actually enjoy and finish.

TikToker Michelle (@adalynnslunchbox) is documenting the lunch she’s making for her daughter Adalynn, and it includes the child-favorite finger food, pizzadilla.

It’s a wonderful alternative to the boring ham and cheese sandwiches. Sometimes, you just have to get creative.

Michelle starts by using a star-shaped cookie cutter to cut a tortilla into pieces. Food is just a lot more appetizing when they’re presented in fun shapes.

Next, set the scraps aside to make something yummy later.

Spread marinara sauce on the star-shaped tortillas, then follow that up with shredded cheese and pepperoni.

morrowlight – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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