
This Waitress Had To Deal With 6 Customers Who Came In Right Before Her Restaurant Was About To Close, And It’s A Total Nightmare Story

kichigin19 - - illustrative purposes only

A former waitress was complaining about customers who came in right before the restaurant closed, and after overhearing her complaint, they had the most shocking reaction.

TikTok user @mouseratnat shared a horrific story involving these crazy customers, and the video has gained over half a million views.

She begins the video by explaining that she has been a server and bartender at the place she works now for over five years. She still loves the place and its food, but during her time there, she has dealt with many unhinged customers.

This story, in particular, was probably the scariest situation she had ever encountered. It happened one Saturday night, and the establishment was about to close in exactly eight minutes when suddenly, six people walked in and were seated in her section.

They ordered a bunch of food and six strawberry lemonades. Unfortunately, the restaurant staff had already dumped the pitcher of lemonade, so they were forced to make more. Furthermore, the customers were not very considerate of their waitress.

“When I was taking their orders, they were not responding to me. They were talking amongst each other, and then some of them had AirPods in and were also talking on their phones while talking to people at the table and were completely ignoring me,” she recalled.

They also had her constantly going back and forth from the kitchen to the table with their many requests.

At this point, the kitchen staff was taking their anger out on her because they were ready to leave, yet the customers continued ordering food.

Finally, the six girls finished their entrees but then ordered six individual desserts, intentionally taking their sweet time to polish them off.

kichigin19 – – illustrative purposes only

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