
Her Dad’s No Longer Paying For Her Wedding Because She Won’t Sell Her Aunt And Uncle Her Home At The Price She Paid For It

Xavier Lorenzo - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 31-year-old woman purchased a home 3 years ago, and she got it for a great price. She paid $79,000 for her house even though another couple bidding on it offered the old teacher selling it $99,000.

She knows this teacher was super kind to her and gave her a “deal,” as she was not able to pay anything more than what she did back then.

Since acquiring her house, she did put a significant amount of work into it, and she estimates that she spent approximately $10,000 on all of the improvements.

Then, during the summer months of 2022, her uncle came down with liver disease and had to undergo a transplant. Her uncle then was unable to work.

Her uncle and her aunt proceeded to make a couple of very bad financial choices, and they got into an enormous amount of debt.

Her uncle and aunt couldn’t pay for the mortgage on their house, and they decided to ask her grandparents to sell their home and move in with them to help cover their costs.

“It would’ve been beneficial for them, as they are elderly, and my entire family assists them with food, transportation, and doctors appointments,” she explained.

“No one in my family was upset with them. I offered my aunt and uncle to move into my house, as my fiancé and I were building a new house, and I was basically living with him and never at the house. They were thankful.”

“I was renting to them for $800/month but wanted to sell as I couldn’t change my address to the new house. I shared they would get priority.”

Xavier Lorenzo – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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