
Her Friend Accused Her Of Trying To Steal Her Boyfriend After She Showed Up To Meet Him In A Dress Her Friend Thought Was Too Short

Slava_Vladzimirska - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Do you remember the first time you met one of your best friend’s partners? Meeting that person can feel like a big deal if they’re in a serious relationship, and you want to make a good first impression.

One woman recently upset her friend after she wore a dress that was considered inappropriate while meeting her friend’s boyfriend for the first time.

Her friend has been dating a new guy for a few months and asked her out for drinks the other day so she could meet him. She looked forward to the evening and figured she’d have a good time, so she said yes.

That night, her friend called her an hour before she was supposed to be at the bar and asked her what she would wear.

“I told her I was probably going to decide last minute after I showered,” she recalled.

“We were just going to a bar, so I figured it wasn’t that serious. She insisted I ‘dress down’ and asked me not to wear any makeup.”

She found her friend’s request quite strange, considering she hardly wore any makeup in the first place.

Then, as she continued talking to her friend, she started getting annoyed, feeling like her friend was policing her. Finally, she told her friend if she’d be uncomfortable with her around, she’d simply stay home.

Her friend then apologized and claimed she was “looking out” for her because she didn’t usually go out to bars and didn’t want her to look silly. She thanked her for her concern before hanging up.

Slava_Vladzimirska – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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