
He’s Furious With His Mom Because She Won’t Stop Suggesting That He Get Back Into Dating After Losing His Wife

“I have focused on grieving my wife, healing, helping my children heal, making sure they have a good childhood and enjoying [the] life that we have now, as much as it is still painful at times.”

But recently, his mom has been getting on his case about reentering the dating world. She firmly believes that the children need a mother figure in their lives and that he should find a new woman to marry so she can enter the picture while they’re still young. 

For a while, he could ignore her comments, but she sat him down recently and made him super angry. She told him to think about how quickly she remarried after his dad died, and her decision allowed him to have a father figure. He tried explaining to his mom that they were two different people and that he didn’t want to do what she did.

His mom kept piling onto him. She told him that remarrying was in the best interest of his kids, that he was petty for still referring to his stepdad and not as his ‘real dad,’ and finally said he was depriving his children of a mother.

“I snapped when she would not drop it, and I told her I don’t want to be like her,” he remembered. “I told her I do not want to replace Willow.”

He went on to explain that his kids have so many relatives and family members in their lives who help take care of them. Therefore, they are not suffering because they don’t have a stepmother.

Finally, he reminded his mom that she had never consulted him before remarrying and that she shouldn’t put words in his mouth. His mom left very angry and confused, telling him he was not a good father. 

Now, he’s wondering if he was too harsh with his mom. Was he being too harsh, or did he need to set his mom straight?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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