
His Girlfriend Gave Him Grief Over Sending $500 To $1,000 Every Month To Help His Struggling Parents Instead Of Using The Money To Buy Her Presents

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Were you ever in a relationship with someone who acted spoiled all the time and always expected gifts?

This is the case for one man whose needy girlfriend recently gave him grief for sending money to his struggling parents instead of buying her presents. 

He’s 35-years-old and has been living with his girlfriend for two years. They’re financially independent and have separate bank accounts. They each work full-time jobs and make enough money to live comfortably.

Around the house, they like to keep things fairly equal regarding chores and paying the bills. They take turns cooking and taking care of things around the apartment. 

He tries to be a good boyfriend and buys her nice things for holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and date nights.

His girlfriend isn’t great at gift-giving. When special occasions roll around, she usually gives him nothing; if she does, it’s a half-hearted, cheap gift.

This is because she believes it’s not a girlfriend’s “job” to buy gifts for her boyfriend. 

On the other hand, she firmly believes that as her boyfriend, he should be buying her gifts all the time, not only on special occasions. 

“She has no problem with pointing out every little thing she wants me to buy her,” he explained.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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