
His Sister-In-Law Wants Him To Get Rid Of His Bees Because Her Son Is Highly Allergic

rupbilder-, illustrative purposes only,

Have you ever had to give up one of your passions or hobbies for a family member?

One man has colonies of bees on the land he lives on, which he’s been caring for for years. But now, his sister-in-law expects him to get rid of them because his nephew is allergic, and he refuses to.

He’s 32 years old and lives with his wife, Sally, on a large plot of land in a rural area he inherited from his father. 

“My family has had this land and managed it for generations at this point, and we have kept bees on the land for just as long,” he explained.

“There are three permanent, managed colonies that we collect honey and other products from and [get] anywhere from two to six wild colonies depending on the year.”

The bees have been a cherished part of his and his wife’s lives for some time now. Every year, they host a 4th of July barbecue for their families, and people roam all around their land, indoors and outdoors.

However, an issue has arisen within his wife’s side of the family. Sally’s sister Mary recently married a man who has a 12-year-old son that is highly allergic to bees. According to Mary and her husband, his allergy is so bad that if he was to get stung, it could be fatal.

“Mary called last week to tell us we needed to get rid of the bees so that her son can be there,” he recalled.

“I told her I’m absolutely not doing that.”

rupbilder-, illustrative purposes only,

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