
She’s Discussing The Pros And Cons Of Living In An Airbnb Long-Term In Europe

Furthermore, she was treated more as a tenant than a guest. So when things broke or malfunctioned in the apartment, she was expected to just deal with the issues.

Some of the problems she experienced included having no WiFi, a broken boiler, and the toilet leaking into the apartment below.

She has even had to endure people coming into her living space for twelve hours at a time during house showings.

Certain amenities are provided when you’re staying in an Airbnb for a short time, such as toilet paper and trash bags. But for long-term guests, you must purchase those items yourself once the original stash runs out.

According to Noelle, if you have the opportunity to rent, she recommends doing that instead of long-term Airbnb living.


Let me know if you have an questions ? #airbnbfinds #airbnbexperience #longtermairbnb #london #londonairbnb

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