
This Florida Man Has Been Living Underwater For More Than 74 Days And Doesn’t Plan On Coming Back To Land Until He Gets To 100 Days Undersea

Valerijs Novickis- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you happen to have an active imagination, you may have found yourself wondering about what it’s like to live underwater. A 55-year-old man from Florida has spent more than 74 days in an underwater lodge, all in the name of science.

Joseph Dituri, also known as “Dr. Deep Sea,” is a professor of biomedical engineering at the University of South Florida.

He has been dwelling in Jules’ Underwater Lodge since March 1st of this year. The lodge can be found at the bottom of a 30-foot lagoon in Key Largo, Florida.

Joseph has broken the record for the longest time spent underwater but is still not ready to return to land.

The previous world record, which was established by two other professors from Tennessee, was 73 days. Joseph does not intend to resurface until he has reached 100 days of underwater living and completes his mission titled Project Neptune 100.

The purpose of the project is to conduct ocean conservation research and study the effects of compression on the human body. The lodge Joseph is staying in does not have the technology to regulate underwater pressure.

According to his official website, Joseph believes that exposure to underwater pressure for long periods of time may cure brain injuries, diseases that come with aging, and a number of other health conditions. His mission is to improve the lives of everyone on earth.

No human being has ever been underwater for as long as Joseph has. A medical team does routine dives to closely monitor Joseph’s mental and physical health.

You might be wondering what else Joseph is doing down there besides conducting research and getting tests performed on him by medical professionals.

Valerijs Novickis- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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