
He Loves Going For Late-Night Scenic Drives In The Summer, But He’s Not Sure If He Should Ask A Girl That He Likes To Go With Him As A Date Idea

Minerva Studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old guy has been chatting with a 24-year-old girl for the last 2 months, and they met one another through a dating app.

They have managed to meet up a handful of times since they first started talking, and they both feel that they want to move slowly before simply jumping into another relationship, so they are completely on the same page.

Everything that they have done together so far has consisted of hanging out and watching TV, and he really would like to ask her out on a date that’s more exciting and unique.

“I have this thing where every summer, at least once, I’ll go out for a late-night drive. At about 1 A.M., I’ll drive around a route that takes about 45 minutes to complete,” he explained.

“I really like this route because it goes along a highway that goes through 3 cities and 1 small town, with the mountains in the background.”

“It’s honestly one of the most blissful things I do every summer— the quiet road, windows halfway down, the cool air with my favorite music.”

“It honestly makes me happy to the point that I forget all about life’s problems for those 45 minutes.”

This is something he really would like to share with this girl that he likes, but he’s not sure if it’s a good idea for their next date.

He’s actually concerned that it might be an awful idea at this point or that it might not be the right time to ask her to do this with him.

Minerva Studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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