
His Girlfriend Is Pregnant With Her Ex’s Baby, And Now That He Knows, He’s Planning On Breaking Up With Her

He did decide to ask his mom about her feelings about the sticky situation, and his mom thinks that if he does really love his girlfriend, he should remain with her and jump in to help with her baby and that, on a long enough timeline, he will come to think of her child as his own and not another man’s.

He isn’t worried about his girlfriend getting back together with her ex, so that’s not really a concern in considering if he should stay in the relationship.

“My gut intuition is still telling me to leave, we are only 3 months into our relationship, and our feelings can change in another 3-4 months, especially with the factor of a child added in,” he explained.

“This all occurred with me being unsure if I wanted children and unsure about how long term I wanted to be with this woman.”

“I plan on breaking up with her this weekend. I hope she is aware of the hardship to raise the boy as possibly a single mother in NYC. All of her family are in her home country.”

Do you think he’s making the right choice breaking up with her now?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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