
She Pretty Much Has To Pay $400 A Month To See This Guy That She’s Dating, And She’s Thinking He Might Be Trying To Test Out If She Is A Gold Digger Or Not

“He’s mentioned about not wanting to be with a woman that is a gold digger which I’m not. I don’t know if he’s trying to test me, but I also don’t feel like it’s up to me to prove to him that I am not one.”

Now, as far as their dates have gone, she did offer to pay for their very first date, and since then, they have alternated who pays for which meal.

A few days back, she wound up getting into a fight with him, and she said she shouldn’t have to pay for the parking in his building at all because it’s his choice to live where he does, and he has a “higher standard of living” than she does.

Additionally, she threw in there that he does make more money than she does, and she’s coming over to his apartment as his guest.

“I feel like I have a pay a fee to spend time with him, which has caused me lately to not want to go to his place and just to meet in the middle for a day,” she said.

“Am I unreasonable to say that I think he should pay for parking costs? And we still continue to go back and forth on hanging out costs.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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