
She Told Her Best Friend To Push Harder At The Doctor To Get Answers About Her Strange Medical Condition, But Her Friend Didn’t Appreciate The Input

Wayhome Studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 33-year-old woman’s best friend, who is 30, is chronically ill. But, since no doctors will take her friend’s struggles seriously, her friend has given up searching for answers.

It all began back when her friend was in her early twenties and developed a strange condition.

Apparently, her friend would become extremely nauseous– sometimes multiple times throughout the same day.

Then, once her friend puked, the nausea would go away, and her friend would be able to get back to normal activities.

“My friend’s gotten to the point where it’s just a normal part of her life,” she said.

Her best friend has tried to seek out medical attention, too, but doctors always just dismiss the symptoms as anxiety or attention-seeking. Plus, the medicine that her best friend has tried has never helped.

And the fact that no doctors take her friend seriously really frustrates her. In fact, her friend has gone to five different clinics since the COVID-19 pandemic, and every single time, the doctors provide some variation of the same answer.

Her best friend’s tests always come back normal, too, but the symptoms have progressively gotten worse.

She claims that her friend is extremely underweight and cannot put on any pounds– even though her friend eats an average diet with a combination of healthy foods and junk foods.

Wayhome Studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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