
She’s Really Allergic To Lobster, And Her Husband Thinks She Can Just Sit In Their Bedroom While He Eats It So It Doesn’t Bother Her

Yaruniv-Studio - - illustrative purposes only

This 27-year-old woman has a seafood allergy. So, if she gets near anything from the sea, she will break out in hives, become nauseated, and have difficulty breathing.

Now, she claims that she has never suffered a reaction so severe that it was anaphylaxis.

“But I do not want to risk it,” she said.

However, her husband– who is 27– happens to love seafood, especially lobster. So, whenever he goes to visit his parents, who live about four hours away, he will indulge in some lobster.

Still, he makes sure to never consume any seafood around her.

Her husband’s parents will be visiting their home next week, though. And apparently, her in-laws planned to bring lobster.

According to her, her mother-in-law really does not understand her allergy and believes she just suffers from a small rash. But obviously, that is not the case– so after she found out, she was not okay with that plan at all.

“I told my husband absolutely not,” she recalled. “He can go to our friend’s house to eat it, but not here.”

Still, her husband tried to reason that they would just eat the lobster in the living room while she stayed in the bedroom.

Yaruniv-Studio – – illustrative purposes only

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