
He Canceled His Daughter’s 16th Birthday Because At Her Party Last Year, She Yelled At Her Friend For Buying Her A Thrift Store Gift

darkfreya - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This father and his spouse took their daughter out for dinner to celebrate her 15th birthday, but her behavior would cost her all of her gifts and her party for the following year.

During the dinner party, his daughter was with a group of her other 15-year-old friends, and she was opening up gifts from them all.

When she opened one of her gifts, she seemed happy and excited about it and eagerly asked her friend where she got it from.

After her friend explained that the present was from a thrift store, the birthday girl’s attitude completely shifted.

“My daughter lost it and called her names like cheap, golddigger, beggar, and other classist insults,” he explained.

Most everyone knew that her sweet friend was not from a rich family, and she probably put a lot of time into thinking about what gift to get her friend.

After confronting their daughter about the interaction, he and his spouse only received more harsh words against her friend, going as far as saying the friend only came to the party so that she could eat at a restaurant.

They were absolutely shocked by her behavior and wondered where on earth she learned to act so entitled. He knew for a fact that she didn’t learn it at their home.

“I do believe she learned this behavior from my in-laws. They are elitist and look down their noses at those they consider lower-class. My spouse is the only decent member of that family,” he said.

darkfreya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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