
Research Surrounding Social Media Reveals That Young People Are Still Battling Mental Health Stigma And Struggling To Get Support

“There’s lots of discourse in the social media space. We see it go by, but to analyze it in depth is certainly a different undertaking,” Hartling explained.

“And I think it was taxing for them [Sit and Elliot] to be reading these things– in particular, reading without an opportunity to provide support.”

Aside from stigma influences, the team uncovered how many Reddit posts suggested that a lower level of mental health literacy actually discouraged young individuals from seeking help or discussing their mental health struggles.

For instance, numerous people who posted on Reddit asked questions regarding symptoms, medication effectiveness, wait lists, costs, and how to obtain services.

According to the study authors, this lack of mental health knowledge appeared to create even more challenges for individuals who were either trying to cope with their own difficulties or cope with struggles that other loved ones were experiencing.

Many of the experiences captured during this research effort pointed to feelings of embarrassment, fear, and shame– which all arise from stigma and pushed youth to conceal what they were experiencing.

And among the individuals who had previously received help, some people posted negatively on Reddit about the experience. Certain posts cited side effects of medications; meanwhile, others highlighted feelings of dismissal or ignorance by doctors.

“I’m so scared to seek therapy again in case I get told it’s just anxiety again. I just feel like there is something much more going on,” one individual posted.

The researchers warned that such negative experiences could reinforce concerns among sensitive youth, who are already struggling against a wide breadth of emotions stemming from stigma.

And according to Hartling, the research shows a range of diverse issues impacting young individuals– calling for equally diverse mental health solutions.

She and the team also wondered whether large amounts of information about mental health are not available in certain places or formats that are easy for youth to access.

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