While Her Husband Was On A Work Trip, He Downloaded 7 Dating Apps And Messaged Other Women To Meet Him At His Hotel

olly - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
olly - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old girl and her 27-year-old husband tied the knot just 7 months back, and they have a 1-year-old child together.

They have been with one another for 7 years in total, and back when they first started dating, she made it clear to him that she didn’t want him ever looking at photos of other women or anything like that.

Her husband recently began a new job for the same company that her dad works for, and her dad really was the one who got him this job.

Her husband does have to travel a lot right now, and most recently, he was gone for a little under 3 weeks.

While he was away, she stayed home and took care of their child while also working a full-time job herself.

“The moment he landed in the other state he was working, he downloaded 7 dating apps and was messaging women…to meet at his hotel,” she explained.

“He never did anything physical, but I found everything in his email. He tried to convince me his email was hacked.”

“He used photos from our one-year-old’s first photo shoot (with us cropped out) as his profile picture on these apps.”

Her husband truly does have a problem, according to her, and he has since enrolled in therapy as well as a support group.

olly – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

These exact problems are hardly anything new in their marriage, as they have been coming up again and again well before his work trip.

She feels hurt as well as alone and that there is no justification for how her husband acted on his work trip.

Then, her husband revealed to her that he was groomed at 12, and some of the feelings he experienced then have come to the surface all over again, which he believes is the reason behind his work trip incident.

“I feel so selfish for not being able to really feel much sorrow for him, considering I’m only a week into my own trauma recovery that he caused,” she said.

“He is doing all the right things. Listening to me and really putting in the effort. I do know he loves me. And I know I love him. He doesn’t have a great support system and grew up in a house where this was normalized. My family is more of a family to him than his own. He is a very shut-off person, so him telling me this was a huge deal and feels very much like progress.”

“He is still living in my home because I don’t want to give up custody, and I do know he really loves me. I just recently quit my job (before I knew about this), so I’m now a SAHM. I need advice. Please. How do I show his support while also holding him accountable? Am I even able to?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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