She Still Lives With Her Ex-Boyfriend Who Cheated On Her, And Now His Brother Will Be Staying With Them, And She’s Expected To Watch The Teen

Volodymyr - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Volodymyr - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman had been dating her ex-boyfriend, who is 30, for five years when she found out that he cheated on her two months ago.

At the time, they were also living together, and he wanted to work the situation out. But she actually felt quite indifferent about the whole thing and really just wanted to stay focused on school.

“I decided I would pretend I wanted to stay together since he had a history of being vengeful when he didn’t get his way and just ghost him when our lease ended,” she recalled.

However, a few weeks later, her ex actually tried to kiss her. And after that, she claimed to have actually thrown up on him and could not stand pretending that everything was fine anymore.

So, she came clean about how she really felt and told her ex that they were over.

She pointed out how, after everything they had been through and moving thousands of miles away to be together, her ex’s actions were simply unforgivable. Moreover, she believed that he had finally shown his true colors.

Now, once she stood up for herself, her ex apparently tried really hard to win her back for the first few days. He was constantly giving her gifts and money, offering favors, and even writing her love letters!

“The one thing I had asked for so many times,” she said.

“And suddenly, he could remember all of these things I had problems with that he never fixed over the five years we were together.”

Volodymyr – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Still, she just asked her ex to stop. Then, once he refused, she called up his dad, told him everything that had happened, and her ex’s father actually went to rough up her ex!

Since then, she and her ex have basically just been roommates. She also tries to stay on an opposing schedule. That way, if her ex is home, she is out, and vice versa.

Due to the fact that she was not paying rent before, she also began sending half of the rent to her ex– which he becomes “overly emotional about” every single time.

Her ex also claims to miss her cooking every now and then. However, that’s about it.

More recently, though, her ex’s 18-year-old little brother– who just graduated from high school– will be staying at their place for the last month of their lease.

But while her ex’s brother will be there in just three days, her ex did not tell her about the plan until yesterday.

Now, she knows that her ex’s brother adores her, and she does not want to make the teen uncomfortable.

Yet at the same time, she is also furious with her ex for even allowing his brother to come– especially because the teen doesn’t know they broke up.

So, she wound up calling her ex’s dad again and making her boundaries very well known.

“I let him know that his son hadn’t told me anything, and we broke up, so the whole playing big sister and cooking and cleaning for him isn’t happening at all,” she revealed.

Regardless, her ex’s dad sent her some money for food and still asked if she would look after the teen anyway– because, apparently, her ex’s dad was going out of the country for an entire month on a work assignment and did not trust anyone else with his son.

And ever since talking to her ex’s dad, she has been at a complete loss about what to do.

“I need some advice on setting some hard rules for him [her ex’s brother] being here– the top one being that I’m not a free babysitter for both adult sons!” she vented.

“Like, what if he gets hurt? Who’s going to feed it? They said I needed to make sure he showered and brushed his teeth?! I don’t have children for a reason!”

She also does not have enough money saved up right now to end the lease early and simply move out.

So now, she’s been left wondering how to handle this situation without sacrificing her boundaries.

Why do you think her ex didn’t give her more notice about his brother coming to town? Can you understand why she doesn’t want to be responsible for watching the teen? How can she handle this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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