
She Made Her 12 Kids A Huge Serving of Nachos In A Kiddie Pool

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Are you looking for a fun and unique summer snack hack for you and your family and friends to enjoy together this summer? Want what could be considered a huge and kid-friendly charcuterie board?

Look no further than this mother’s new idea.

Mother of 12 and TikTok creator Alicia Dougherty (@doughertydozen) shares how she made a huge serving of nachos inside a kiddie pool for her children to share.

First, she grabs a classic kiddie pool that you can find at any Walmart or Target. Next, she dumps a couple of bags of their favorite tortilla chips as the base of the nachos into the pool.

After that, she begins piling on all of her kids’ favorite nacho fixings, including ground meat, nacho cheese, salsa, shredded cheese, shredded lettuce, olives, and cherry tomatoes.

Last but not least, she drizzles on some sour cream as the finishing touch to these extraordinary nachos!

The video then shows her and all of her twelve kids surrounded by the nacho pool, clearly enjoying the fun and tasty creation! Alicia also shared a behind-the-scenes video, where she and her kids were putting together the nacho pool.

They were super helpful in grabbing the ingredients she needed to make the huge snack, and it just goes to show what a fun family activity constructing and eating these nachos can be!

Despite her best intentions, Alicia did receive some negative comments regarding this idea that she shared. Some people were worried about the lack of layering of the ingredients in her construction, while others were concerned that a lot of the food in the pool was going to end up going to waste.

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