He Went Out On A Second Date That Didn’t Last Very Long, So Now He’s Unsure Whether He Should Move On Or Try For A Third Date

ID 36988634 - © Tyler Olson - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 36988634 - © Tyler Olson - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 20-year-old guy went out on a first date with a woman, who is also 20, just three weeks ago.

He realizes that they haven’t known each other for a while, and waiting three weeks to go out on a second date is kind of a long time.

However, they both have busy schedules, so they only recently planned a second dinner date for this past Sunday. It seemed like it worked out perfectly, too, since it was right after she returned home from vacation.

Anyway, they met up at a restaurant kind of late– at about 7:45 p.m.– and started catching up for a while.

“She wasn’t on her phone, and she was laughing a lot, so I didn’t think it was awkward,” he recalled.

“But there were a few breaks in the conversation, too.”

Then, after about an hour, the woman began to appear pretty restless and started looking around the room– as if she wanted to leave.

At that point, he realized that the restaurant’s servers had started to close the restaurant around them– even though he checked the restaurant’s website, and the closing time was listed as 10:00 p.m.

Regardless, the woman mentioned how she had only gotten back from her vacation about an hour before they went on their date. So, she had just finished a six-plus hour drive and was pretty exhausted.

ID 36988634 – © Tyler Olson – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Not to mention, she had to go to work the following morning and just needed to get home.

That’s why he proceeded to just pay the bill– at which point the woman insisted on leaving a tip– before they left the restaurant.

“I walked her to her car, and we talked there for like 30 minutes. Then, there was kind of an awkward hug, and she went home,” he explained.

He also decided to text the girl and ask her to let him know once she arrived home safely. After all, she had seemed tired that evening from her trip.

She responded once she got home, too, and thanked him for a good night out. Still, he can’t shake the feeling that something went wrong on their second date.

Apparently, their first date together lasted about three and a half hours; meanwhile, their second date only wound up being about one and a half hours.

“I see everywhere that if someone was truly interested, they would stay around someone even if they’re tired. So, it’s kind of discouraging to me,” he vented.

And now, he’s been left wondering whether he should try to go on a third date with this woman or if he should just move on.

Does it sound like something really “went wrong?” Or does it seem like the woman really was just tired after getting back from a long trip? Do you think he should give it another go on a day when she isn’t exhausted? What would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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