Her Best Friend Tried To Tell Her She Couldn’t Try For A Baby While Being Maid Of Honor At Their Destination Wedding, So She Stepped Down From The Role, And Her Friend Canceled Her RSVP After She Spent $4,000

ID 24215604 - © Toddkuhns - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
ID 24215604 - © Toddkuhns - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This woman was supposed to be the maid of honor at her best friend’s destination wedding.

Well, she was one of two women who were picked to be co-maids of honor. But still, she was given that special role and was initially over the moon.

However, her friend wound up becoming a complete bridezilla.

“And she had high expectations of what my responsibilities were,” she recalled.

For instance, her best friend admitted to not liking her husband and actually wanted her to wait to try for a baby with him until after the wedding. Why, you might be wondering? Apparently, her friend didn’t want to deal with her getting any motion sickness during the event!

So, after a while of dealing with her best friend’s ridiculous expectations, she decided to just step down as maid of honor. After all, there was already a second woman filling the same role, which is why she didn’t think it was a huge deal.

While she just wanted to be a regular guest, though, her best friend was not happy with that at all.

Instead, the bride actually uninvited both her and her husband from the destination wedding!

“And my friend got our RSVP of ‘yes’ canceled after booking a $4,000 reservation for a six-day trip to Cancun with multiple wedding activities,” she revealed.

ID 24215604 – © Toddkuhns – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Plus, despite her friend claiming that she was her “little sister” in the past, her friend completely ended their friendship in the harshest way.

Apparently, her friend just sent her a bunch of long, very hurtful texts, calling her husband depressing and a clown. Then, she was told never to talk to her best friend again!

“I did not respond to a single text after being uninvited because I was hurt, and the texts kept coming, but no calls,” she vented.

“And she ended our friendship over text message and unfriended me on social media.”

Still, even after her best friend totally cut her off, she’s been left wondering whether stepping down from her role as maid of honor was really such a jerky thing to do.

Did her friend have any right to tell her when she could and couldn’t try to have a baby? Would you ever be able to deal with such bridezilla behavior? Did she have a right to step down if being a maid of honor was no longer working for her? How would you feel if your RSVP got canceled, you lost so much money, and you also lost a friendship?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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