Her Fiancé Gave Her An Ultimatum That If She Didn’t Lose Weight By Her Birthday This Month, Their Engagement Would Be Off

ID 143094320 - © Dmytro Zinkevych - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 143094320 - © Dmytro Zinkevych - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman was recently engaged, but she had been feeling extremely insecure. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as work stress and grief, she put on about 22 pounds.

Her fiancé did not make her feel any better about this, either. Instead, he actually had the nerve to give her an ultimatum back in July– claiming that if she did not lose about 10 pounds by her birthday, then their wedding at the end of this year would be called off!

At the time, her fiancé even demanded to know what her starting weight was, and she was just so taken aback.

“I was really distressed and sad by this at the time of the request that I couldn’t even engage with him for a week,” she recalled.

“I even saw a psychologist to help me process it.”

However, she eventually “cracked” under her fiancé’s pressure and told him how much she weighed– about 170 pounds. Then, she worked extremely hard and was able to lose about 11 pounds in five weeks.

Her birthday was just yesterday, too, and since she doesn’t currently live with her fiancé, he went over to her house for the big “weigh-in.”

As soon as she woke up in the morning, she just wanted to get the whole thing over with– because, obviously, she was still upset about the whole situation.

So, she stood on the scale wearing her pajamas, and her weight registered at just over 155 pounds, which her boyfriend read out loud.

ID 143094320 – © Dmytro Zinkevych – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Rather than being satisfied with that and dropping it, though, her fiancé decided to weigh himself. Afterward, he went back to her and actually asked if she would weigh herself in front of him again– but this time, without any clothes on.

“I refused,” she said, “My reasoning was that I already felt humiliated, and I was mentally only prepared to do it once– which, in my mind, I did.”

Regardless, her fiancé still accused her of being a jerk for refusing to do something that was “important” to him. And she thinks he was a total jerk for even making her go through this experience in the first place.

So, she decided to confide in a friend who wound up reassuring her that she wasn’t crazy or in the wrong here. Then, she shared that with her fiancé– without naming her friend– in hopes he would understand her perspective.

“But he thought that was not impartial, and I was badmouthing him,” she revealed.

Then, she and her fiancé’s relationship actually ended because she refused to weigh herself again in front of him! This has since left her wondering whether she was seriously in the wrong for not doing what was “important” to her fiancé or if she just dodged a major bullet.

Can you imagine ever giving your partner such an ultimatum? Would you have agreed to lose the weight or ended the engagement right then? Regardless, was she in the wrong for not wanting to be weighed again in front of her fiancé? Do you think their relationship ending was for the best? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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