Her Sister Sobbed During Her Entire Wedding For Stealing Her Man

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pha88 - stock.adobe.com - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

There’s Always Drama At Weddings

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A young woman named Mara says her sister sobbed during her entire wedding for “stealing her man,” and now she’s telling her to just get over it already.

And This Woman’s Sister Ruined Her Wedding

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She started out by explaining that she has 2 sisters, Patty and Ava. Patty is technically her biological cousin, but there was a very open adoption agreement in place when her parents adopted her.

Her Sister Is On The Autism Spectrum

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Mara also added that Patty is somewhere on the autism spectrum, and she has social issues because of that.

Her Sister Was Friendly With One Of Their Neighbors

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Growing up, the girls had 3 boy siblings as their neighbors named Zac, Sam, and Alex. Mara’s parents were friendly with the parents of the boys, and they would frequently make jokes about their kids ending up getting married.

The Joke About Them Getting Together With Their Neighbors Turned Into Reality

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It turned out to not quite be a joke, though, because it sort of happened when they got older.

Here’s How That Happened

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Anyway, Patty was the same age as Sam, and Mara was 2 years younger than them. Zac and Ava were the same age, but Ava sadly passed away along with the girl’s mom.

Her Sister Patty Always Had A Crush On Their Neighbor Named Sam

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“Patty had a crush on Sam all through high school, but he wasn’t interested in her,” Mara said. “She started choosing to spend the summers with her bio parents in high school after our mother passed, so she was gone most of the time.”

She Ended Up Dating This Sam, Though

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“The summer of my sophomore year, I went out with Sam a few times, but nothing came of it. Patty was off spending the summer with her bio parents like she had done since our mother passed, so she was away for this.”

Patty Was Livid When She Found This Out

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“She was furious about it when she found out, and she accused me of “stealing her man” (who wasn’t interested).”

Sam Then Asked Patty To Prom

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“Sam ended up taking Patty to prom later that year so she could go (school policy), but that was it.”

But She Went On To Date Same In College

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Just before Mara wrapped up college, she began dating Sam for a second time. She and Sam told their families that they were together.

Patty Wasn’t Happy When She Heard The News

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Mara’s dad, Sam’s mom, and Sam’s siblings were all elated for them, but Patty was upset by the news.

She Figured Patty Was Over Her Crush On Sam

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Mara figured that it’d been a long time since prom had passed, and she thought Patty would have gotten over everything.

She Didn’t Guess Correctly

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Well, Mara guessed incorrectly on that. Patty was so distraught over Mara’s relationship with Sam that she began crying and left.

Patty Called Out Of Work For A Whole Week She Was So Upset

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She also called out of work for a whole week, claiming she was sick. Patty has also not said anything to Mara since that day.

She Ended Up Marrying Sam

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At the beginning of last year, Mara tied the knot with Sam despite her dad pleading with her to wait on getting married.

Her Dad Wanted Her To Wait To Give Patty More Time

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Her dad said that Patty needed to process everything and that they should just give her more time to do that.

She Tried To Respect Her Dad’s Wishes

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Initially, Mara respected his wishes, and she did wait. Then, she thought about the fact that Patty did have 10 years after high school to come to terms with no longer being with Sam, so she went through with the wedding.

She Had A Tiny Wedding

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Mara and Sam’s wedding was small, and they only invited their close family members.

Patty Sobbed The Entire Time

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“Patty spent the entire wedding sobbing until my father took her home, which meant that I didn’t get to have a single picture with my father that day,” Mara continued.

Patty Was Still Distraught After The Wedding

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The weekend of July 4th was the first time they all were together again as a family, and her dad asked her if she would stay away from her husband at the party because Patty was still upset about everything.

Her Dad Tried To Intervene

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Her dad was hoping that by Mara keeping some distance between her and her own husband that Patty would have a nicer time.

She Thought Her Dad Was Acting Crazy

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Mara and Sam didn’t appreciate the request, which they found crazy, and they acted like they normally would together.

Her Dad Ended Up Mad At Her

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Patty spent an hour at the party before leaving, and her dad was mad at Mara after that.

He Accused Her Of Driving Patty Away

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“He says he just asked for one little thing and that I/we should know how limited her social life has been and how much she can’t afford to lose her social skills, and now we’re driving her away from the entire family,” Mara wrote.

Her Whole Family Agrees With Her Dad

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The rest of Mara’s family is in agreement with her dad and thinks she needs to be sensitive to Patty’s feelings.

She Doesn’t Think She Was In The Wrong

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“…I don’t think it’s wrong of me to want to have the same treatment of any other adult married couple,” Mara concluded. How would you deal with this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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