His Ex-Wife’s Brain Cancer Is Progressing, So He Asked If She Had A Timeline In Case The Treatment Failed And He Got Accused Of Being Cruel

This 35-year-old man and his ex-wife, who is 32, split up over 10 years ago. But, following their divorce, they were actually able to remain friends and get along pretty well.
When they were married, they also had a daughter together, who currently lives with his ex, about six hours away.
However, at the beginning of 2020, tragedy struck his family when his ex-wife was diagnosed with brain cancer.
She has since been undergoing treatment for her cancer.
“And thank heavens we live in a country with free healthcare because otherwise, the debt would be insane,” he said.
Still, his ex’s health has unfortunately been degrading. So, he recently asked her whether she had spoken to her doctor– or would speak to her doctor– about the progression. More specifically, what the cancer timeline would look like if her treatment failed.
“We have been told that what she has is aggressive, and the odds are it won’t go into remission,” he reasoned.
Once he asked this question, though, his ex became extremely upset. Understandably, she does not want to think about when she could die or if she might become paralyzed– which is also a possibility in her case.
Still, given his ex’s current health state, he felt it was important to know. That way, he could be prepared to either take care of his ex and his daughter or pick his daughter up– because, apparently, his daughter would stay with other family members until he arrived in the worst-case scenario.

ID 118049165 – © Prathan Chorruangsak – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Regardless, his wife accused him of being selfish, insensitive, and simply cruel for asking such a question.
“But I just want to be prepared,” he vented.
“She has already made sure I’ll have access to important information and documents, done the funeral preparation, told us who she wants to write her obituary, as well as who is not welcome at her funeral or in hospice if it comes to that first.”
Nonetheless, with his ex now very upset with him, he’s been left wondering whether asking for the timeline on her cancer if treatment fails really made him a jerk or not.
Can you understand why he wants to know the timeline? At the same time, do you empathize with his ex-wife and understand her reaction to the question? Does it sound like everyone is going through a tough time right now? Would you have asked this question if you were in his shoes?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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