She Doesn’t Want Her Close Friend To Attend Her Birthday Party Because She’s A Bad Drinker Who Has A History of Getting Way Too Wasted

ID 78374113 - © Maryia Bahutskaya -  -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 78374113 - © Maryia Bahutskaya - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It will soon be this woman’s birthday, so she just planned to invite some of her close friends over to her home to have drinks. Afterward, a few of her friends will sleep over.

“It’s not going to be a big party or anything,” she said.

However, one of her best friends is apparently a very bad drinker. Her friend just doesn’t know when to stop and constantly gets too drunk. Then, everyone is forced to take care of her friend, or her friend just winds up doing something dumb.

“My friend has a reputation of being a bad drunk and has embarrassed herself plenty of times, and it has resulted in me and my friends having to drive her home because she passed out,” she explained.

Other times, her friend would go “borderline missing,” and no one would be able to find her friend or get in contact with her.

Finally, her friend just sometimes drinks too much way too fast and ends up acting like a toddler the whole night.

So, since everyone was going to be drinking at her birthday party, she was honest and admitted to wanting to get drunk, too.

“And I don’t want to worry about having to take care of her because she is one of my close friends,” she admitted.

That’s why she’s not too sure about inviting her friend to the celebration, but she doesn’t know how to handle this situation.

ID 78374113 – © Maryia Bahutskaya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

According to her, her friend already knows that they are a “bad drinker.” Her friend has even openly talked about the habit on multiple occasions and admitted to not really knowing her limit.

“But the problem is my friend continues to just drink and get way too [messed] up,” she vented.

So now, she isn’t sure if she should approach her friend about the birthday party and be honest about not wanting her there beforehand or if she should just have her celebration as planned and explain what happened to her friend afterward.

Can you understand why she doesn’t want her birthday ruined by having to take care of her friend yet again? Would it be a good idea for her to just go about her birthday plans without even telling her friend? Or should she just be honest with her friend first about why she isn’t extending an invitation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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