
His Wife Is Divorcing Him Because He Funded The Care For His Sick Mother, So Now He Wants To Contest The Divorce Just To Put His Wife “Through The Ringer” Financially

WavebreakMediaMicro - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man and his wife were married for 14 years. And during that time, his wife didn’t need to work whatsoever.

“My income was more than enough to sustain us and anything we wanted,” he said.

But then, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and his father sadly passed away. Not long afterward, his mother also tragically suffered a stroke.

“I made the choice to care for my mother because I have the income to do so,” he recalled.

However, his wife did not agree with his decision– which wound up ruining their marriage.

He ultimately stood his ground and took care of his mom, and that pushed his wife to file for divorce. And he is hoping to put his soon-to-be ex-wife “through the ringer” for ending their marriage over him wanting to care for his parents.

Now, according to his attorney, the judges in his state exercise discretionary authority “fairly liberally.” Off the record, his attorney also claimed that, for fairness toward his wife, he should not contest the divorce.

Instead, his attorney believes he should navigate the divorce proceedings amicably in order to end the separation quickly and fairly.

He still wanted to know exactly what the risks would be if he decided to contest the divorce, though. And in his attorney’s opinion, because of the reason why his wife chose to file for divorce in the first place, she would be “hard-pressed” to get any goodwill.

WavebreakMediaMicro – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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