
After She Refused To Give Her Plane Seat To A Mom With Her Child And Husband, The Mom Refused To Reprimand Her Child To Seemingly Get Back At Her

Photo 139316316 © Sergey Novikov - - illustrative purposes only

There’s no question that flights can be difficult. No matter where you are or who you are flying with, there’s often something that happens during your flight to frazzle you a little bit.

But what happens when your assigned seat on a plane interferes with a family? TikToker @diaryofasolotraveler explains what happened to her when she got a window seat on a plane in the middle of a family traveling together.

She often likes to have the window seat instead of the aisle, but sometimes that comes with some issues for other people in her row.

“The problem is the people who get mad when they don’t get their way,” she said.

As someone who travels alone, she can easily just board a plane and mind her own business. There’s no one else to look out for, so she spends most of her travel time sleeping.

“I had a six-hour flight,” she said. “I try to plan my sleep schedule on the plane so I don’t end up jet lagged.”

It’s just expected that other people would take care of their children that they’re traveling with. But for her, that’s not necessarily what happened.

“I get to my row, and this woman asks me, ‘Do you want an aisle seat?'” she explained. “I said, ‘Oh, no, thank you. Like, I got the window–I want the window.”

To most people, this wouldn’t have been a problem–just a casual, friendly exchange between the people who you’ll be sitting with for the next six hours. But the situation instead took a turn.

Photo 139316316 © Sergey Novikov – – illustrative purposes only

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