
She Lives In NYC But Flew To London To Freeze Her Eggs, Because She Says It’s Literally A Third Of The Cost Over There

Photo 4672203 © Francesco Carucci - - illustrative purposes only

Have you ever thought that you’d like to have a baby someday, but you don’t want to take that step in your life right now?

Maybe your doctor recommended that you freeze your eggs. But in America, this can be a difficult solution because the cost of freezing your eggs is outrageously expensive. TikToker Brittany Allyn, @thirtywaves, found a solution to this: freezing your eggs overseas.

“This is the story of a single 30-something living in New York City and heading to London to freeze my eggs for one-third of the cost,” Brittany said in a video.

But what does freezing your eggs actually do? According to the Mayo Clinic, freezing your eggs is a way of protecting your future reproductive abilities.

“Egg freezing, also known as mature oocyte cryopreservation, is a method used to save women’s ability to get pregnant in the future,” the Mayo Clinic website said.

The process of egg freezing can take some time and involves several steps.

“Eggs harvested from your ovaries are frozen unfertilized and stored for later use,” the website explained. “A frozen egg can be thawed, combined with sperm in a lab, and implanted in your uterus (in vitro fertilization).”

The Mayo Clinic website also explains that egg freezing can be done for a multitude of health reasons but would typically be done for someone looking to wait to get pregnant who doesn’t want age to be a risk factor in pregnancy complications.

“Egg freezing might be an option if you’re not ready to become pregnant now but want to try to make sure you can get pregnant later,” the website said. “Freezing eggs at a younger age might help you get pregnant when you’re ready.”

Photo 4672203 © Francesco Carucci – – illustrative purposes only

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