
She’s Opening Up About Her Experience With Financial Anxiety And How She Doesn’t Even Want To Track Her Expenses Anymore

SUPREEYA-ANON - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When to spend? When to save? And should we even track our finances at all?

Erin (@itserinconfortini) opens up about her experience with financial anxiety as someone who has actively promoted the importance of budgeting.

“Since I became an adult, got a full-time job, really got my budget under control,” Erin begins, “I’ve been able to mitigate this feeling” of financial anxiety. In tracking every dollar, there’s no question about how and where we spend our money.

In other words, when you’ve tracked your third dinner and drinks outing this week, reality may settle in.

With any budgeting routine in mind, it’s essential to balance saving and actively enjoying your life. So where do we draw the line on what is acceptable to spend on?

Plus, if you make more money, how do you adjust?

Erin explains that despite the fact she continues to hit her “saving and investing goals every single month,” now that she can make more money on social media, it’s been an uncomfortable adjustment.

She details her specific experience, telling how when her “fixed expenses were so low,” it was easier to see spending “too much on going out eat with friends or…shopping too much” as a give and take.

As rent prices continue to rise naturally and people have the opportunity to update their living situations, people like Erin find their fixed expenses doubling, even tripling. In her TikTok, she doesn’t shy away from sharing just how much financial anxiety this reality has brought her.

SUPREEYA-ANON – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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