
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Is A Group Of 13 Inherited Disorders That Affects A Person’s Connective Tissue

bongkarn - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

There are so many fascinating medical syndromes and disabilities to learn about, and there’s a chance you may not have heard of this one.

Do you know someone with EDS?

EDS stands for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which affects a person’s connective tissue. It’s a group of 13 inherited disorders, and each type of EDS has its own set of features, from tissue fragility to joint hypermobility.

Since the body’s connective tissue is responsible for providing strength and stretchiness to its structures, EDS often causes people to have fragile or unusual skin, joint dislocation, and overly flexible joints. When the connective tissue is delicate, people can suffer from bruising and can have difficulty healing from certain wounds.

Symptoms like pain, hypermobility, and fatigue are shared across all types of EDS, and the most common type is Hypermobile EDS, although it’s still considered to be rare. Another type of EDS is vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (VEDS), which is very rare.

VEDS is a more serious form of EDS as it can cause damage or weaken the aorta, the heart’s largest artery. People with VEDS are at risk of rupturing larger blood vessels, which can be extremely dangerous.

Interestingly, those with VEDS often have distinct facial features like thin lips, large eyes, and a thin nose.

People are often diagnosed with EDS through clinical diagnostics, and there are different ways to treat and manage each type.

While EDS may sound very scary and isolating, more people are sharing their stories after getting diagnosed with a type of EDS to draw awareness to it and normalize it.

bongkarn – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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