
She Got Fired From Her Job At A Tech Company Making Six Figures After She Shared A Video On Social Media

Vasyl - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

A woman was fired from her job after posting a TikTok video, but she bounced back and started her own business.

Chelle (@brokeasshorsegirl) was working a remote job in the tech industry and making six figures.

The video that got her fired was literally just a snippet of some coffee she had spilled. She took the short video during a 4:30 a.m. work meeting.

Unfortunately, what she did not realize at the time was that the voice of her chief product officer was in the background of the clip. He was speaking during a team meeting that Chelle had to attend every week.

The next day, Chelle got called into a meeting with HR. They told her that someone had sent in the video and that she would no longer be working at the company due to gross negligence.

After hanging up the call, she said in shock, “This is going to be perfect for my memoir.”

Chelle doesn’t think she deserved to be fired over such a tiny indiscretion, but she holds no ill feelings over it.

“Honestly, do I think that I should’ve been fired? I mean, nobody ever thinks they should be fired, but honestly, no,” Chelle concluded.

“They weren’t really talking about anything super confidential; you could barely hear them in the background, but alas, they found it to be a firable offense.”

Vasyl – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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