
As The Former Queen Of An Ancient Greek City-State, She Was A Fierce And Strategic Warrior Who Helped Her Persian Allies Escape Athenians During The Greco-Persian Wars, Ultimately Saving The Life Of King Xerxes I

Cara-Foto - - illustrative purposes only

When you hear stories of people from ancient times fighting bravely on a battlefield, you often hear stories of heroic men.

However, some brave women occasionally fought just as hard in battle, yet their stories are often overshadowed.

One of those women was Artemisia I of Caria, the bold warrior, strategist, and former queen of the ancient Greek city-state of Halicarnassus.

Artemisia was the daughter of King Lygdamis of Halicarnassus and was born in the 5th century B.C. in Halicarnassus, which was once considered an ancient Greek city but is now located in present-day Turkey and used to be a bustling city that thrived in maritime trade and was passionate about politics.

While little is known about Artemisia’s early life, it is assumed that she received a fine education in anticipation that she would one day rule. She was married before ascending to the throne and had a son named Pisindelis.

However, when her husband died, her son was too young to become king, so she became queen, reigning in his place.

At the time, it was uncommon for women to be in such a powerful position and be interested in battle, fighting, and strategy, but Artemisia did.

She was able to cultivate the kingdom’s trade and commerce, keeping its powerful trading status. She maintained an important balance and healthy relationship with the kingdom’s allies and was also a patron of the arts.

However, Artemisia’s most notable accomplishments happened in battle. During the Greco-Persian Wars, she got involved in the Battle of Salamis in 480 B.C. She was a loyal ally to King Xerxes I of Persia and was the only woman among his military commanders.

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