
Everyone Has Heard Of Polaroid, But You May Not Know That A Young Woman Was One Of The Main People Responsible For Making This Brand A Household Name - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Polaroid is one of the most famous camera and photography companies with a long history. Many people still use their cameras to this day so they can snap pictures and have cute little mementos to hold onto.

Did you know that one of the main people responsible for making Polaroid such a large brand was a young woman?

That young woman was art historian Meroë Marston Morse, whose understanding of art and culture played a pivotal role in shaping Polaroid’s brand identity and success.

Meroë was the daughter of a Princeton University math professor and was born in Maine in 1923. She was a bright and talented woman who graduated from Smith College with a bachelor’s degree in art history.

Not long after graduating college, Meroë began working at Polaroid and, after a few months, worked in the SX-70 lab. This was a big deal, as previously, the innovation behind photography and camera companies was mostly handled by men.

Meroë would work 16-hour days, researching the best ways to further develop instant photography to make it more suitable for artists and creatives.

She brought art and science together, wanting to improve technology for visionaries, which was especially fascinating considering she had no formal science training.

Still, Meroë’s brilliant mind led to major changes and advancements at Polaroid, especially regarding their high-speed black and white film.

In 1966, Meroë was impressively named Polaroid’s director of special photographic research. By the end of her time with the company, she had developed 18 patents for her work. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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