
Researchers Are Advising That Children Entirely Avoid Screen Time Until The Age Of 2 Because It May Contribute To Unusual Sensory Behaviors Often Seen In ASD And ADHD

EVERST - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

A recent study conducted by researchers at Drexel University has highlighted that early exposure to screens might make it harder for toddlers to interact with their environment.

Experts are now advising that kids under the age of two should completely steer clear of screen time.

This is because it could contribute to unusual sensory behaviors often seen in conditions like Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and ADHD.

These unusual behaviors might show up as a lack of interest in regular activities, a tendency to seek out stronger sensory experiences, or feeling easily bombarded by things like bright lights or loud noises.

For this research, the team examined data from 1,471 infants and toddlers below the age of 24 months, centering on television or DVD-watching patterns. Then, to evaluate sensory processing at 33 months, they used a questionnaire filled out by parents.

The children were divided into “high,” “typical,” or “low” categories depending on how often they exhibited different sensory-related behaviors, such as seeking sensory experiences, being sensitive to sensory input, and avoiding sensory stimulation.

The research found that 1-year-olds with screen time are over twice as likely to have sensory processing challenges by the time they’re nearly 3-years-old.

This adds to the increasing worries about the effects of screen time on young children, encompassing issues such as delayed speech, ASD, behavioral problems, attention challenges, sleep disturbances, and slower development in problem-solving skills.

“This association could have important implications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism, as atypical sensory processing is much more prevalent in these populations,” said Karen Heffler, an associate professor at Drexel University.

EVERST – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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