
His Sister Reached Out To Their Birth Family, Asked To Finally Meet, And Got Rejected, So Now She’s Blaming Him For Not Reaching Out With Her And Increasing Their Chances

Ranta Images - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When it comes to adopted children, some of them grow up with a burning desire to know more about their biological parents, while others are satisfied with not knowing.

One adopted man is currently trying to figure out what to do about his sister, who was adopted by the same family and contacted their biological parents, only to get rejected by them.

He’s 26, and his older sister is 29-years-old. They were both adopted by the same family when he was a baby. He’s in a relationship with his girlfriend and has a son.

“Our lives were happy, though we had one big difference,” he explained.

“She always longed to meet and know about our blood family; I never wanted that. I don’t consider them my family or my parents. To me, my family [are] the people I love and the family I grew up [with]. [I] never [had] the same curiosity my sister had or the same drive to want to find them in the future.”

His adoptive parents knew his biological parents’ names and gave them to him and his sister so they could figure out what they wanted to do. He said no when his sister asked if he’d want to track them down with her.

“My sister started to search for our birth family, and she opened herself to search for any relatives,” he said.

“She found out our birth parents were still close to their families, and she reached out to a bunch of people about wanting to meet. They didn’t respond for months.”

Eventually, his sister heard back from their biological father and one of their aunts, who asked if they were both interested in meeting the family or if she was the only one. 

Ranta Images – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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