
A New UCLA Study Has Shown That Patients Treated By Female Physicians Experience Lower Mortality Rates And Reduced Hospital Readmissions Compared To Those Treated By Male Physicians

This enhanced communication could encourage women to disclose crucial health details, resulting in more accurate diagnoses and improved treatment plans. Additionally, female patients may just feel more at ease with female physicians, particularly during in-depth health discussions or examinations.

As for why female patients appear to gain more from being treated by female doctors compared to male patients, the researchers acknowledge that further research is needed. According to Dr. Tsugawa, exploring differences in how male and female physicians practice is crucial, as this could inform strategies to universally enhance patient care.

“Further research on the underlying mechanisms linking physician gender with patient outcomes, and why the benefit of receiving the treatment from female physicians is larger for female patients, has the potential to improve patient outcomes across the board,” Dr. Tsugawa underscored.

Lastly, the study also emphasizes the significance of gender equity in medicine. Even though female physicians deliver high-quality care, they frequently earn less than male physicians – a wage disparity that Dr. Tsugawa says needs to be ended.

“It is important to note that female physicians provide high-quality care, and therefore, having more female physicians benefits patients from a societal point of view,” Dr. Tsugawa concluded.

Now, the study’s results do not mean you should select doctors solely based on gender. After all, various factors make up quality care, such as experience, training, and bedside manner.

Still, as experts continue to research this discrepancy, the goal is to improve medical care for everyone, irrespective of gender.

To read the study’s complete findings, which have since been published in Annals of Internal Medicine, visit the link here.

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