
Research Has Shown That Childhood Obesity Not Only Increases The Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes And Hypertension But Is Also Linked To Weaker Cognitive Functioning

Children classified as obese showed signs of compromised white matter integrity. In particular, damage was seen in the white matter of the corpus callosum, the crucial bridge facilitating communication between the brain’s two hemispheres.

Additionally, the researchers recorded a reduction in the thickness of the brain’s cortex, which plays a vital role in cognitive functions.

“It is striking that these changes were visible early on during childhood,” explained Kaltenhauser.

“We expected the decrease in cortical thickness among the higher weight and BMI z-score children, as this was found previously in smaller subsamples of the ABCD study. However, we were surprised by the extent of white matter impairment.”

Sam Payabvash, the study’s senior author, also noted that the results of this study provide a mechanistic understanding of previous research connecting high BMI in children with reduced cognitive abilities and academic achievements.

So, Payabvash recommends ongoing observation of these children for six to 10 years to track changes in their brain development over time.

To read the study’s complete findings, visit the link here.

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