He’s Feeling Guilty Over How He Got Revenge On The Parents Of His Daughter’s Bully, Since They’re Now Facing Foreclosure

It’s upsetting to say that this 39-year-old man has a 12-year-old daughter who has been getting bullied badly at school.
His daughter has Asperger’s and a slight stutter, but he wants her to live normally like the rest of the kids her own age.
His daughter is struggling with depression from being constantly harassed by bullies in her school, and one girl in particular is ruthless.
Although his daughter is currently on summer vacation, she sadly was a complete wreck throughout this past school year over what her bullies did.
These kids would lock her out of classrooms or trap her inside the bathroom. They even told her they would give her money to make her disappear.
While he did go to the school to request help, they did absolutely nothing to solve the problem, so he took matters into his own hands.
He found the mom of his daughter’s biggest bully on social media and sent her an extremely civil note requesting that she ask her daughter to leave his daughter alone.
He got a nasty response from this mom defending her daughter and saying she’s not a bully at all.
After doing some more sleuthing on social media, he found out that this mom has a boyfriend who lives with her, and when he saw his name, he recognized him.

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This guy actually works as an account rep for a company that does nearly $1 million dollars of business with his company.
He then called this guy and his boss in for a meeting, and the two of them tried to get him to agree to renew the contract they have.
“They did their dog and pony show, and I was listening intently,” he explained. “Towards the end, as we were making small talk, I inquired if he has any kids, and he said yes, two (one from a previous marriage, and his girlfriend has one).”
“It led to conversation, and he said his girlfriend’s kid goes to [insert school name]. And I said “Oh, maybe our kids know each other.” I should clarify: I work in Procurement. This means I make buying decisions all day. So, anyway, I ask him his kid’s name, and he confirms my daughter’s bully is his kid.”
“Like clockwork, I immediately darken my face and ask him and his boss to leave and provide no explanation. My boss pulls me aside after they are gone and asks what is wrong. I tell him that the rep kid is my daughter’s bully and explain the situation, but not that I set this up.”
His boss says those guys can take a hike before walking right out of the room. When the boss of this sales rep called him from the car to ask what was going on, he just told him the contract was not getting renewed.
The boss kept prying to get a more concrete reason out of him, and said that he can’t get into the specifics, but he finds the sales rep to have a bad character, which means his company can’t trust them anymore.
He thought that would be the conclusion of the conversation, but a week later, the boss of the sales rep called him up and revealed he knew about the bullying.
The boss promised he told his sales rep to have his daughter quit what she was doing, and he apologized, too.
He told the boss it wasn’t necessary for him to have gone to those lengths. One more week passed, and the boss fired the sales rep and then asked if they could renew their contract.
He still told the boss he wasn’t renewing the contract as he had already gone with a cheaper company in the time that had elapsed. The boss was furious.
He discovered today from a social media group his wife is in that this sales rep and his girlfriend are desperately trying to find some work so they can avoid going into foreclosure.
This sales rep was the breadwinner in the bully’s family, and the loss of his job has taken a terrible financial toll on them.
“I am simultaneously overjoyed and mortified at what I did,” he added. “I am going to talk to a therapist, but…I have never been so conflicted.”
“My boss says I didn’t do anything wrong since the other company bid lower. I know that, but I feel I did wrong by making it about the rep rather than the price. I didn’t want to hurt their family, I just wanted to protect my daughter.”
Speaking of his daughter’s bully, he will find out at the end of the summer if this girl has changed her tune at a pool party for the kids in her class.
If he sees this girl hurt his daughter’s feelings at all during the pool party, he’s planning on pulling his daughter out of school and sending her to a private school. Although that will be costly, he knows he can’t let his daughter suffer.
Now, he’s left feeling bad about the bully and her sibling, as he doesn’t think kids should have to suffer when their parents make mistakes.
“…I never thought he would get terminated as $1 million isn’t a large contract in our world,” he continued.
“I wanted to fire a figurative warning shot, not an actual kill shot. But when your 12-year-old is sobbing on your shoulder every night, and you are forced to send her back into their own personal [nightmare] every day, well, I admit I may have lost perspective.”
What advice do you have for him?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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