
She Told Her Husband He Pretty Much Deserved To Get Food Poisoning Since He Didn’t Listen To Her

Two days ago, her husband sent her a text saying he had to stop working as he threw up two times.

Her husband works from home and is never sick, so she was curious as to why he felt so ill. Later on when she got home, her husband revealed that he ate the sauce that had spoiled, and it all came back up not even three hours after he consumed it.

“I’m annoyed, but he looks miserable, so I crush my annoyance down to the size of a pebble, make him a glass of electrolytes, and set him up on the couch with a wastebasket and Darkest Dungeon 2,” she explained.

She was super irritated because her husband promised to make it to an important doctor’s appointment with her the following day, and she was worried he was going to miss it due to eating the sauce.

Thankfully, he rebounded enough to go with her to the doctor, and she’s been trying her best to refrain from picking at her husband’s deplorable lack of food safety standards ever since.

She finally got so fed up that she couldn’t help but blurt out that it was all his fault he suffered from food poisoning.

“I wasn’t going to say ‘I told you so’ while you were sick, but since you’re feeling better, I TOLD you that sauce was off; I TOLD you to throw it away and look what happened. Hope you learned a lesson,” she said to her husband.

Well, they got into a fight, and her husband argued that he checked the expiration date and smelled the sauce, so it looked alright to him.

He called her a jerk for acting as if she knew he would get ill anyway, but she knows she was right.

“Now we’re at a stalemate; if y’all think I was [a jerk] for kicking him while he was still 10% down, then I promise to apologize,” she added. “Otherwise, I’m sticking to my guns.” What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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