
Her Roommate Is Outrageously Impulsive And Keeps Bringing Home Pets She Doesn’t Care About

Mila Supinskaya - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

This 20-year-old girl has a roommate the same age as her, who has also been her best friend in the whole world for more than five years now.

She deeply cares about her roommate, but living with her has opened her eyes to how much of a walking red flag this girl is.

Her biggest problem with her roommate is how outrageously impulsive she is, and this mostly surrounds her roommate continuously getting new pets, which she then stops caring about.

“At first it was a cat, which she really liked at first,” she explained. “Then she stopped really “liking” the cat, so the cat stopped liking her.”

“That was fine because I like the cat, and she gets along well enough with my pets. Then, she spent somewhere above $750 dollars on a dog (including adoption fees, toys, and supplies). Three days later, she decided the dog was too much to handle and returned him to the shelter.”

“She sold all of the dog supplies at an extreme price drop, so she essentially wasted almost a grand on NOT getting a dog. A month later, she adopted an elderly cat who passed away a few months later. He was a sweetheart.”

But then, two months ago, her roommate adopted a second dog without paying attention to this poor pup’s history.

This dog ended up being super aggressive towards cats, so her roommate had to get rid of the dog since they already have felines in their home.

Her roommate wasted an additional $700 on this dog after returning the dog. Just two weeks after this recent dog incident, her roommate adopted another cat.

Mila Supinskaya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

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