
She Despises Herself For Wanting To Divorce Her Amazing Husband

Jelena - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

14 years ago, this 35-year-old woman started dating her 38-year-old husband, and 12 years ago, they got married.

She says they have built a special life together, and they have two children: an 8-year-old daughter and a 5-year-old son.

“I have no complaints about the man I am married to – he is loyal, honest, a hard worker,” she explained.

“He does everything for us and adores both me and our children. I have never had to question his faithfulness, he’s never been the slightest bit abusive, he keeps up with his end of the housework (plus more, if I’m honest). He is not perfect, but he is an amazing husband, father, and friend.”

“However, I have not been attracted to him for years and find myself wondering if I’m “in love.” I adore the person he is… he is my absolute best friend.”

She frequently dreams about being alone, being single. She doesn’t have an interest in dating other men; it’s not that.

It’s just that she has fallen out of love with her husband, and that makes her want to walk away. Over the last four years, she has contemplated divorcing her husband more times than she can count, but she’s never gone through with it for the sake of their children.

Lately, she’s been thinking about divorce more and more, and it might be time for her to act on this.

“Yes, we go on dates frequently and try to find activities that we enjoy together,” she said. “I have been pushing myself to be [close] with him more in the hopes that I will overcome all these feelings, but I just find myself not turned on in the slightest.”

Jelena – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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