
She Insulted Her Boyfriend’s Cousin For Buying Things She Can’t Afford

strekozza77 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s been three years so far that this 28-year-old woman and her boyfriend have been dating. Now, some of her boyfriend’s family members are somewhat wealthy, and one of his cousins, Marie, is arrogant and all about luxury living.

Marie has never been warm and welcoming toward her, and it may be due to her not coming from money like they do.

While her boyfriend was well-off growing up, she certainly wasn’t, and her family struggled a lot. She doesn’t hide this part of her past; it is what it is.

At a recent family gathering with her boyfriend’s family, the conversation turned to how her sister-in-law’s daughter Sasha has gotten into thrifting. Sasha enjoys donating her own belongings as well as purchasing items from thrift shops.

She and her sister-in-law were discussing how it’s a wonderful thing for Sasha to be invested in, and it’s a great hobby.

Sasha then stated one of her friends got a luxury handbag from a thrift store, and Marie jumped in to say she owns one of those designer bags.

“Sasha says that her friend was lucky and got a very nice deal for it since she can’t actually afford it as she’s just a college student,” she explained.

“Then Marie says that some stuff from thrift shops are “disgusting and bad taste” and “leftovers from others.”

“I found that comment so nasty, and I told her, “Well, not necessarily. What kind of bag is it, Sasha?” Sasha says the brand, and I ask Marie, “What’s your bag?” She mentioned the same brand but got defensive and added, “I bought a similar bag from the store and had to wait a lot for it. That’s how it’s done.”

strekozza77 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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