At His Brother’s Wedding, One Of The Guests Caused A Scene Since Her Son Was Excluded, But A Service Dog Was There

Several weeks ago, this man was a groomsman in his 20-year-old brother’s wedding. It was an adorable family affair on the smaller side of things.
His brother’s guest list included only his closest family members and friends. So, none of their extended family members, such as their uncles, aunts, or cousins, were invited, and 15 people were there.
“One of the groomsmen, I’ll call them Mick, has a service dog because of a heart condition, so obviously, because they were close, he and the dog were invited (the dog wore a top hat and bow tie; it was adorable),” he explained.
“And, a friend of the bride, I’ll call May, who had a son really young (the boy is a toddler), was okay with him not being invited at first; she would leave him with her mom.”
At the wedding rehearsal, May began cackling when she saw Mick with his service dog. She mentioned he should do the rehearsal minus his dog since his dog wouldn’t be invited.
He thinks that May misunderstood and thought Mick’s dog was some kind of a pet and not, in fact, a service dog.
Mick mentioned that his dog was invited, and he literally needed him by his side. May screamed in disbelief, which captured the attention of everyone, including his brother and his bride.
His brother and his bride asked May what the problem was, and she went on a tirade about how her son was far more special than a dumb dog, so she couldn’t understand why her son was excluded, but the dog was allowed.
The bride made an effort to pull May aside in private, but May rudely hushed the bride, causing her to get upset.

andrey – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
The bride, visibly irritated, blurted out that May’s kid could not behave, but the dog could, so if she was unhappy, she could stay home.
Heads certainly turned over this, as the bride is so kind, but everyone seemed to be on her side about May’s child remaining uninvited.
“May started tearing up and ran out of the rehearsal dramatically. The couple apologized to Mick, and the rest of the rehearsal went on fine,” he added.
His brother’s actual wedding day was gorgeous and thought out, but suddenly, May arrived with her son in tow.
The bride rolled her eyes and asked his brother to handle May as she had to get her hair finished. Pulling May to the side, his brother said if her child did anything naughty at all, they would be kicked out.
His brother and his bride specifically wanted no children under 15 in attendance. May waved his brother away and acknowledged what he said.
Later on, Mick got to the wedding, and as soon as the bridesmaids left their dressing room, May’s child yelled and ran over to Mick’s service dog.
May’s son tried to pet Mick’s dog while May laughed. Mick finally held onto her son by the shoulder to get him to stop lunging at his dog.
May flipped and told Mick to stop touching her kid, then picked her kid up and started shouting. The Maid of Honor (who also happened to be the bride’s mom) jumped in and kicked May out, along with her son.
The Maid of Honor stated that May would not be permitted to destroy her daughter’s wedding day, so May left, and her son had a meltdown on the way out.
“The rest of the wedding went perfectly, and it was quite fun for a wedding,” he continued. “I heard May hasn’t talked to [the] bride since then, and I say good riddance ’cause she already wasn’t one of my favorite people.”
He believes his brother, his bride, and Mick were right and May was wrong, but he still wants to know what you believe.
What do you think?
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