She Backed Out Of Her Maid Of Honor Role The Night Before A Wedding After The Bride Pushed To Set Her Up With The Best Man

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Several weeks ago, this 20-year-old girl was supposed to be the Maid Of Honor in a wedding, but she backed out after something her 22-year-old friend, the bride, did to her.

A year ago when her friend got engaged, she was thrilled, but then when she was asked to hold a special role in the wedding, she was over the moon.

But then the bride said as she was sending out the wedding invitations that she did not want her boyfriend attending as a plus-one.

She was super upset about that, as she’s been with her boyfriend for six years. Her boyfriend was understanding and stated that weddings are pricey, and he bet her friend was trying to keep her costs down.

He added that the bride and groom didn’t know him at all, so she should still attend the wedding alone.

After her boyfriend played the voice of reason, she decided not to drop out or say anything to the bride.

Several days before her friend’s wedding, her friend asked if she could drive four hours to pick up the best man and give him a ride.

“I thought it was just part of it as he was a veteran and had his own issues surrounding that,” she explained.

“So I gave him a ride up to the Airbnb that we were staying at before the wedding. The whole time, he tried to make conversation that was just weird to me, and I was just not into it and just trying my best to be nice to him.”

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“At the Airbnb with everyone, I immediately noticed things were off. All of the other bridesmaids had their boyfriends there, and things were really awkward when I found out I was in a room with the best man.”

The following day, right before the rehearsal dinner started, the bride and groom privately pulled her aside.

They told her the best man is an amazing guy and reprimanded her for not being interested in getting to know him.

She replied that they know she has a serious boyfriend, whom they asked her to leave at home, so no, she was not going to give the best man a chance since she’s not single.

“Then the bride cut in and told me we’ll that [it] really isn’t that serious since he hasn’t proposed in so long,” she said.

“I argued back that was because we were both still in school. We continued arguing for a little while before I finally just said forget [it], I’m going home. I got called all sorts of awful names [as I was] going out of the room and packed up and left.”

“I got a lot of calls on the way home, which I ignored until my boyfriend called. Apparently, the bride called him and told him I just left for no reason, and he called to check in on me. I told him everything that had happened, and he was kind of dumbstruck by it all.”

Post-wedding, the groom, the bride, and tons of their friends have called or texted her calling her a terrible human for leaving on the evening before the wedding without a valid reason.

Not a single person showed any consideration for her side of the story, so she’s beginning to think perhaps she acted irrationally.

What do you think?

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